Mar 4, 2010

9 months to go

I am so excited...9 months until we travel to Haiti and my dream becomes a reality!

There is SO much to do until then...starting with our earrings!  We need to make more earrings to sell.  Plus, now we have bracelets and just starting to get into necklaces - with the help of so many wonderful friends!!!    We are finally caught up and there is a slow down in the sales - which sadly to say I am thankful for.  Now that I am working until the end of the school year, it's proved to be 'quite the adjustment' for time management!!!

Now we're working on our original ideas we had for selling our earrings.  I have contacted our Town Manager and he gave me many great ideas!  Some of our ideas are setting up a booth/table at our local mall, farmer's market and radio station on a given day to sell the earrings.  Some ideas I got from the Town Manager is to contact local business's (specifically Walmart) to set up a table to sell earrings there, or possibly door-to-door campaigning.  WOW...he was ever so helpful.  He even offered that if we had to get a 'pedlars license' to sell on the street, that he would 'waive the fee' because he believed in our cause!!!

BUT first thing is first, we have to have a BIG supply of them first - which is what we are working on right now.  Thanks to all my 'working bees' while I'm at work - namely Dianne, Bernice and Julia (who is making us our necklace 'prototypes'!!!)  I really couldn't do it without them!

Other projects we are working on are making sacs for the rice (for distribution) - sewing them and feeding the draw strings, a summer garage sale of donated items where ALL the proceeds go towards projects for our trip (but NOT any of our travel expenses), Noah's special project to sell and the collection of donated medical over the counter supplies.

In all of this, I need to get in to get all of my shots for traveling, etc.

So you see...I am convinced that 9 months is going to FLY by like a blink of an eye!

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