Oct 9, 2010

Haiti DONATIONS - THANK YOU for your support.

Without YOU, this would have NEVER been possible!

Considering it's Thanksgiving weekend (here in Canada), I want to give thanks for living with SO many blessings in my life by donating what I have collected so far.  As I continue to sell more and collect from those I have not received payment for yet, I will continue to donate money to New Missions (the company I had intended on travelling to Haiti with) to buy rice in Haiti.

Donations #1 - Paid for an extra bag to be shipped with my friends travelling to Haiti.

One of the couples I was supposed to travel with, and the couple I had been taking Creole lessons with continued to travel to Haiti for (I think) 7 or 8 weeks.   They left sometime in August and just returned home last week.  Before they went, they collected many items to take with them and ended up with too much stuff.  I felt it was a great way to use some of the money I had raised and I gave them $100 to pay for the extra bag to take supplies to one of the oorphanages they worked at while they were in Haiti - Wendy's Love in Leoganne, Haiti.

These are photos they shared of the bag they were able to take from the money raised from the earrings sold.

This just makes all my/our hard work and YOUR SUPPORT worth while. 
Isn't this little girl just adorable?

This is my friend Bernice, with a bunch of the children.

And this is my friend, Roland.

So up until now, I had been waiting for the BIG donation to happen when I had collected all the money, in hopes that I could reach $1000 to send.  Plus, I thought maybe after the Christmas Shows, this may happen.  NOW, in a Thanksgiving kinda spirit, I decided to send the money collected up to now on this Thanksgiving weekend. 

Of the $842CDN I have collected, I donated $770USD (which is as close to would be very close to $800 as I could get).

Your support in my Haiti project has been just amazing!

THANK YOU for allowing me to coordinate such a successful project and as well feel SUCH joy to send this kind of money for SUCH a worthy and practical way.

Thank You.

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