Dec 1, 2010

Christmas at the Coliseum Results

Here's a little snapshot, taken from my phone as I prepared to load the van with all the stock for my first BIG show in Moncton.

Here's a few shots of my booth at the big show.

My friendly neighbour, who was so well behaved and friendly!

This was my view from my seat in my booth for much of the weekend!

SO...all in all I had a GREAT weekend.  I made just a little less than I originally wanted to, but after my first craft show I had fully expected this outcome.

Here are the totals of money raised:

HAITI - $61.00
ADOPTION - $269.00
KENYA - $20.00

HAITI - $102.00
ADOPTION - $398.00 
KENYA - $0.00

HAITI - $15.00
ADOPTION - $267.00
KENYA - $30.00

HAITI - $178.00
ADOPTION - $934.00
KENYA - $50.00

TOTAL SALES:  $1162.00

And that's, that!  

I'm very pleased with how much I raised this weekend.

As for my well being, I am POOPED right out and have been feeling really groggy! 

For the past 3 nights, I've been sleeping between 10-12 hours each night (in comparison to 4-5 hrs each night all last week).

Finally, I'm finally starting to feel a little more like 'myself' (although it's 4pm and I'm still in my jammies)!!!

One more craft show to go this weekend at the Grand Falls Farmer's Market. 


  1. That is a GREAT first show!! I'm so proud of you. :-) Have you looked into starting an esty shop?

  2. That is awesome! Wish I could have been there!

    Can't wait until it is online so I can do some shopping :)


Only happy thoughts!